🔑Private Keys

Read carefully!

At Star Dubhe, we prioritize the security and privacy of our users. It is crucial to understand the role of private keys in securing your cryptocurrency assets and the measures we take to enhance the safety of your information.

No Storage of Private Keys

Star Dubhe does not store users' private keys anywhere in any database. This intentional design choice is implemented to prevent potential data loss in the event of a security breach or other unforeseen circumstances. By not storing private keys, Star Dubhe minimizes the risk of user data exposure.

User Responsibility

While Star Dubhe implements robust security measures, users must recognize their responsibility in safeguarding their private keys. In the case of a bot crash, server issues, or updates, users may lose access to imported wallets in Star Dubhe temporarily. It is essential to acknowledge that in such instances, users will need to re-import their wallets into Star Dubhe.

Save Private Keys

To ensure continuous access to your cryptocurrency assets, it is highly recommended to save your private keys securely. We strongly advise users to write down their private keys on paper and store them in a safe and accessible location. This precautionary measure guarantees that you can easily re-import your wallets into Star Dubhe whenever necessary.

Permanent Loss Warning

In the event of a bot crash or downtime due to server issues or updates, any wallets imported into Star Dubhe may be permanently lost. This underscores the importance of promptly saving your private keys to prevent any potential inconvenience or loss of access to your assets.

Last updated